McMillan Development approved for next steps after long awaited ruling.
A planned unit development (PUD) was approved for the 25-acre site in 2014 with a vision of nearly 700 townhouses and apartments, medical office buildings, retail, a grocery store, and eight acres of open space. Appeal suits precluded any construction on the project from 2016 until a ruling last fall.

One of the two concepts is for Parcel 2, which will house a 233-unit multifamily building with ground-floor retail. The previously-approved design included a multi-story bridge between the two volumes of the building that had apartments on one end; in the latest submittal, the bridge has been simplified to stacked, glazed walkways. The new bridge, which will span Three Quarter Street, was also part of previously-approved PUD filings.

The façade of the building is meant to evoke draping similar to that of the grassy knolls on the current site. Twenty-seven of the apartments will be affordable, and the two portions of the building will each have roughly 8,000 square feet of ground-floor retail.